40 Drawing Ideas

Hello everyone, have you ever been in the mood to draw but didn’t have any ideas? That happens to me all the time. Here are some ideas that I often use to get the creative juices flowing.

  1. Draw an animal (real animal, or fantasy being.) I’ve done this many times. You could draw a real animal like a dog, cat, or fox, or a fantasy creature like a dragon. You can mix real creatures together or fantasy ones together, or some of both. If you draw real animals, I suggest using references, such as images from an image search. If you want to draw fantasy creatures based on real animals, I suggest you use references for the real animals you are basing your creature on. For example, draw a character with the head of a horse, the body of an elephant, and the legs of an ostrich.
  2. Draw from a reference. Take an image and draw it in your style. You could also take multiple images if you want to try to combine images into a new piece.
  3. Draw a character. You can draw your own characters if you have any, or draw characters from a show, movie, game, or anything else. You could even draw someone else’s characters. It’s a good way to practice.
  4. Draw from your imagination. Imagine something and try to draw it. You can make changes as needed, as your creative juices get flowing.
  5. Draw from sight. Go somewhere and look at something, whether a single object or an entire scene, and try to draw it.
  6. Draw yourself. You can use a mirror or take a selfie and draw it. I did the mirror method in a class once. It was interesting, but slightly awkward with the mirror that was used.
  7. Draw a pet. If you have any pets, you could try to draw them. I’ve drawn my pets before. If you don’t have any pets yourself, you can draw a friend’s pet or do an image search and find a photo of a pet you want to draw.
  8. Draw an object. Everyone has some sort of objects around them, so there’s always something to draw. Whether it be a lamp, plushie, stove, tv, monitor, or anything inside or outside of your house.
  9. Draw a logo. I had to make my own logo for an assignment once, it was fun, and I also designed a logo for my website. You can make up and draw your own logo, or draw the logo of a brand you like.
  10. Draw from a generator. There are all sorts of prompt generators that you can get ideas from. Some say the prompts in text, while some AI ones try to create images based on the text you insert. With the image generators, you can draw something based on one of the generated images. For example, you can take one of the images and redraw it to match how you interpret it, if its form is somewhat confusing to you.
  11. Draw food. You could draw your favorite foods. For drawing food I suggest drawing from a photo, if you use references for it. I suggest against preparing food just to draw it. That’s wasting perfectly edible food. Unless of course, you’re hungry.
  12. Draw plants. You could go outside and draw your favorite plants, whether they are trees, flowers, ferns, bushes, or even weeds. 
  13. Draw jewelry. Jewelry can come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and types, so there is a lot of variety in regards to what you can draw. There are varying levels of complexity as well, depending on how intricate and detailed the jewelry is.
  14. Draw hair. You could draw hairstyles, whether it is your own, one you want someday, one you find interesting, or something out of fantasy like Medusa’s snake hair.
  15. Draw buildings or architecture. Whether it’s a bridge, house, skyscraper, or a spooky building like a witch’s hut or haunted house, architecture is so interesting and can really build your drawing skills.
  16. Combine things and draw the combination. Food and an animal, an animal and an object, anything. You can combine objects with anything and create an interesting item from the combination. I’ve seen Moriah Elizabeth combine food with animals before, but I haven’t really seen an animal combined with an object very often. 
  17. Draw crazy clothing ideas. You could unleash your inner Mad Hatter and draw crazy hat designs, or if you’re not interested in hats you can do other forms of clothing like shirts, pants, shoes, or something else.
  18. Draw normal clothing. You can draw clothing you wear often, or even clothing you want to wear someday.
  19. Draw planets. You can draw existing planets, or make up your own.
  20. Draw a caricature. A caricature is a drawing where details are exaggerated.
  21. Draw instruments. If you have any instruments such as a guitar or drums, you could draw them by themselves, or incorporate them into a piece.
  22. Draw something related to a quote. You could draw what you think of when you read a quote, or make up your own quote and draw something for it.
  23. Draw characters with different jobs. Doctor, developer, clown, firefighter, musician, teacher, and so on. There’s so many different jobs to choose from.
  24. Draw books. You can draw scenes from or characters from your favorite books.
  25. Draw a scene. The scene could be anything. It could be a camping scene, a petting zoo scene, a horseback riding scene, or anything else for that matter.
  26. Draw a monster. You could design and draw a monster. Is it cuddly and friendly? Big and scary? Somewhere in-between? What species is it? Werewolf? Vampire? Sea Monster? Something else entirely? It’s up to you.
  27. Draw eggs. I remember having to draw eggs for my first college drawing class. It’s all about the shading! It was oddly fun to do. The subject is simple, but you can color the drawing as you please. They can be realistic, or fantasy in regards to color choice.
  28. Draw a house. It can be your house, a made-up house, or a house from an image search.
  29. Draw a radio. There are many types of radios so there is a lot to choose from in regards to drawing possibilities.
  30. Draw bows and/or arrows. There are a lot of arrow styles and types and whether it is drawn realistically or cartoony, arrows are recognizable. You could draw a bow too as well to accompany some of the arrows. Or, maybe even the archer!
  31. Draw candy. There are many types of candy to choose from, such as chocolate, lollipops, candy bars, jelly beans, gummy bears, and so on.
  32. Draw banners using shapes. You can get as creative as you want with banners. Also shapes are simple but you can go as far as you want with details or make them 3-dimensional like a cube or a sphere.
  33. Draw a machine. There’s a lot to choose from, a washing machine, dishwasher, robot, and so on. You could even make up your own machine to draw.
  34. Draw tools. There are so many tools, like a shovel, a wrench, a pickaxe, a chain saw, and so on.
  35. Draw a city skyline. I did it for a college project once and it was quite fun. It took a while though, but to be fair I also made it into a painting.
  36. Draw a castle. It can be a stone medieval castle, or it could be a sandcastle, or maybe even Queen Elizabeth’s castle.
  37. Draw from music. You can listen to music, and draw what you imagine as you listen.
  38. Draw an alien. Who knows what aliens really look like? You can get really creative with this one due to that!
  39. Draw a statue or sculpture. You could draw an existing statue or sculpture, or make up your own to draw.
  40. Draw a fairytale. It can be an existing one like The Three Little Pigs, or one that you make up.

There are many more possibilities besides what I have listed here. These are just some ideas for those moments when you can’t think of anything. Have fun drawing!

Peace and love,


Mikayla Finley

Hi I’m Mikayla! I’m primarily a digital artist, but I love all types of art projects. I promise to keep my project posts varied and interesting in our virtual art world. I hope you enjoy trying all of them.

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