I have fond memories of trips to the zoo, so I thought I would draw some cute little zoo animals. Here are step-by-step instructions for drawing a cartoon lion, rhinoceros, koala, and red panda.
How to Draw a Lion (Cartoon Style)
Step 1
Draw two curved lines that resemble sideways “C’s” or semi-circles next to each other for the lion’s eyes.

Step 2
Under the top portion of each curved line, draw a small circle for the irises. The circle on the left should be closest to the right tip of the line in Step 1. The circle on the right should be closest to the left tip of the line in Step 1. Add a line above each eye for the eyebrows.

Step 3
In the middle of each iris, draw a large black dot for each of the pupils. At the top left of each pupil, draw a tiny, open circle to represent glare.

Step 4
Below and in-between the lion’s eyes, draw a fat letter “T” for the nose. Below the nose, draw a stretched, curved “W” for the mouth. Add a small, upside-down triangle under each side of the “W” for teeth. Add a squiggly line below the mouth for the chin.

Step 5
Draw a series of short, curved lines in a circle enclosing the face for the head. Curve the lines downward as you draw to represent the mane.

Step 6
Draw inward-turning “C” shaped arcs above each side of the head for the ears. Enclose the ears using zig-zag lines.

Step 7
Draw a series of downward-facing, jagged lines all around the face and ears to form the mane. Under the mane, draw two short lines for the lion’s first front leg. Add the paw below by using a C-shaped line on the left and a horizontal line for the bottom. Add the toes inside using two short, curved lines.

Step 8
Draw the lion’s other front leg the same way by using a C-shaped line on the left and a horizontal line for the bottom. Add the toes inside using two short, curved lines.

Step 9
Draw an elongated oval for the lion’s body starting to the right of the front legs. Add the top part of the body as a curved line that starts on the right side of the mane. Extend the curved line in-between the legs.

Step 10
Add the lion’s hind legs and toes the same way as the front legs (steps 7 and 8 above).

Step 11
Draw a paintbrush shape for the lion’s tail. Add a series of short strokes at the end for the brush-like tip.

Final Step
Color your lion! I used tannish-yellow for the body, face, legs, outside of the ears, and tail. I used a darker tan for the mane, tail tip, and spot on one hind leg. I used a lighter tan for the inside of the ears, teeth, and spots on the other three legs. I used white for the scleras and glare of the eyes, and orange for the irises. I used a medium brown for the nose.

That’s it for Mr. Lion!
How to Draw a Rhinoceros (Cartoon Style)
Step 1
Draw a curved number “6” for the rhino’s eye. Draw a short line under the number “6”

Step 2
Draw a large dot at the top left inside the closed portion of the “6” for the rhino’s pupil. To the left of the eye, draw a curved, cone-shape to represent the horn.

Step 3
Under the horn, draw a long curved line that turns up for the muzzle. Draw another curved line under the bottom, right side. Between the mouth and horn, draw a couple of small, curved lines for the nostril.

Step 4
Continuing with the bottom line from Step 3, draw a long, curved line upward for the rhino’s jaw. Draw another long, curved line for the head by starting at the horn and moving upward.

Step 5
Draw a leaf-shape on the top right side of the head for the first ear. Add two short, slanted lines at the bottom for the ear’s base.

Step 6
Continue the top, curved lines to enclose the rest of the head.

Step 7
Starting at the ear, draw a long, hill-shaped line for the rhino’s back/hump. Draw another curved line at the bottom for the chest. Indent slightly near the neck to make a neck crease.

Step 8
Under the chest, draw the left front leg using pear-shaped curved lines. Add a curved “M” with a line underneath to represent toes.

Step 9
Draw the other three feet using curved, pear-like shapes and curved “M’s” for the toes.

Step 10
At the right side of the body, draw a curved, paint-brush shape for the rhino’s small tail. At the end of the tail, draw short strokes for the brush-like tip.

Final Step
Color your rhino! I used grey for the head, body, legs, and tail. Light grey for the horn, inside of ear, tail tip, and toes. White for the sclera, and blue for the iris.

Your Rhino is complete!
How to Draw a Koala (Cartoon Style)
Step 1
Draw two small ovals for the koala’s eyes. Blacken in the eyes but leave a couple of circles blank inside each eye to represent glare. Between the eyes, draw an oval for the nose.

Step 2
Draw a square with curved edges around the face for the Koala’s head. Leave the top left corner open. Draw some zig-zag lines at the top for head fluff.

Step 3
On the left side of the head, draw a large, curved “C” for the first ear. Koalas have big ears! On the right side of the head, draw a large, backwards “C” for the right ear. Add some zig-zag lines to represent fur.

Step 4
Draw a few zig-zag lines inside each ear to emphasize the structure and fur.

Step 5
Under the head, on the right side, draw a long, sideways “U” for the koala’s arm.

Step 6
Under the arm, draw a sideways, curved “M” for the leg and foot.

Step 7
Draw a long, curved line stretching from underneath the head on the left side to the foot to complete the shape of the body. Draw two vertical, parallel lines behind the koala to represent a tree.

Final Step
Color your koala! I used medium grey for the head, ears, and body. I used white under the nose and at the bottom or the body. I used pink for the inside of the ears, and brown for the nose and tree.

A cute little koala he is!
How to Draw a Red Panda (Cartoon Style)
Step 1
Draw two ovals for the red panda’s eyes. Darken in the eyes but leave a couple of circles blank inside each eye to represent glare. Below the eye on the left, draw a small sideways oval for the nose. Then draw a line that curves under the nose for the muzzle.

Step 2
Starting at the top of the muzzle, draw a line that curves up and to the right, high above the eyes, for the head. Draw some short, spikey shapes to represent fur at the top of the head. On the right side of the head, draw a large, curved triangle for the first ear. Draw another smaller curved triangle inside the ear. Draw some zig-zag lines below that triangle to represent structure and fur. Extend the curved line for the head down below the ear, and draw three zig-zag shapes for the fur on the cheek. Draw a longer line at the bottom that meets the muzzle for the bottom of the head.

Step 3
Under the head, draw a zig-zag line that curves to the right for the chest. Below and to the right of the chest, draw two vertical lines that slope inward at the bottom for the first leg. On the lower, left side, draw a curved line for the foot, and connect that line to the leg. Under the nose, draw a stretched “W” for the mouth, and upside-down triangles under each side for the teeth.

Step 4
Draw the other three legs the same as in Step 3. To the right of the first leg, draw a zig-zag horizontal line for the underside (belly) of the body.

Step 5
Draw a line that curves from the hind leg to the bottom of the check fluff for the rest of the body. On the top right side of the body, draw a long, curved line for the bushy tail. On the left side of the head, draw a curved triangle for the other ear (similar to Step 2).

Final Step
Color your red panda! I used dark brown for the legs and under belly, medium brown for inside of the ears, eye stripes, and tail tip, burnt orange for the head, body, and tail, white for the ears and muzzle, light orange for the zig-zag tail stripes, greyish-white for the teeth, and a dull brown for the nose.

Red pandas are my favorite! Isn’t he adorable?
I hope you enjoy drawing these cute little zoo animals. I will see you soon in our virtual art world!