How to Draw Birds – Step-by-Step Instructions (Cartoon Style)

Something truly amazing about birds is that they can be found worldwide and in all habitats. They can fly, but many can also run, jump, swim, and dive. Scientists say there are somewhere between 9,000 and 10,000 species of birds on earth. Here are four that are fun to draw, a bald eagle, a cardinal, an owl, and a pigeon.

How to Draw a Bald Eagle

Step 1

Draw two elongated oval shapes for the bald eagle’s eyes. Curve the outer tips of the eyes down and the inner tips up. Inside each eye add dots for the pupils.

Step 2

Below the eyes, draw a wavy line for the top part of the beak. Under the middle curved section of the line, draw two small vertical lines for the nostrils.

Step 3

Below the nostrils, draw a V-shaped line for the top part of the open beak. Add a slightly curved vertical line inside for the curvature of the beak.

Step 4

Draw another V-shaped line for the bottom part of the open beak. Underneath that, draw a third V-shaped line for the lower edge of the beak.

Step 5

On both sides of the face, draw sloping lines for the sides of the head. Make each line squiggly at the end to represent feathers. Now connect the two lines at the top to form the top of the head.

Step 6

For the bottom part of the head, draw a series of small zig-zag lines to represent feathers.

Step 7

Below the head, draw curved vertical lines on the left and right sides for the sides of the body.

Step 8

Under the body on each side, draw upside-down W’s for the first two toes. At the top of each toe, draw two curved lines that come to a point for the sharp talons.

Step 9

Draw the third toe on each foot the same way, but pointing more outward. 

Step 10

Add the final toe of each foot at the bottom. The talons on these toes should point downward.

Step 11

Draw a series of small zig-zag lines between the toes for the upper legs. Underneath that, draw some larger zig-zag lines for the bottom edge of the body.

Step 12

Starting at the bottom of the head on the right side, draw a long, sloping line that bends in the middle for the top part of the wing. Add curved, zig-zag lines to form the bottom part of the wing and represent feathers. 

Step 13

Duplicate Step 12 on the left side for the left wing.

Step 14

Below each foot, draw some curved U-shaped lines for the tail.

Final Step

Color your bald eagle! I used dark brown for the body, legs, and wings, white for the head and tail, yellow-orange for the beak and feet, dark red for the inside of the beak, light grey for the scleras, and light blue for the irises.

How to Draw a Cardinal

Step 1

Draw a circle for the cardinal’s eye. The other eye is on the other side of the bird’s head, so it’s not seen and therefore not drawn. In the middle of the eye, draw a large, black dot for the pupil. Draw a small circle to the right of the pupil to represent glare.

Step 2

Draw a sloping line to the left of the eye. At the bottom, draw two slightly curved lines toward the right. Now close off the shape on the right using short strokes to represent feathers.

Step 3

Starting at the top of the beak, use short, zig-saggy strokes to draw a line that slopes upwards and to the right for the first part of the head.

Step 4

Draw another sloping line going down and slightly to the right for the back part of the head. Use short, zig-zaggy strokes to represent feathers.

Step 5

Below the eye and to the right, draw a sideways teardrop shape for the bird’s folded wing. Make the teardrop shape come to a point on the bottom right. Add three short lines inside the wing, on the right side to represent feathers.

Step 6

Draw zig-zaggy lines that connect the head to the wing for the back part of the body. Draw a long, curved line that goes from the bottom of the beak to underneath the wing to form the front/bottom part of the body. Use zig-zaggy strokes to represent feathers.

Step 7

Under the wing, draw a slanted rectangle for the tail.

Step 8

Under the bird’s body, draw a series of short, curved lines for the toes. Three toes on each foot. Under the feet, draw two long lines for a branch/perch. Don’t overlap the toes. Draw a few small lines for additional branches. Add a few small circles for berries. Draw wavy lines on top of the branch for snow.

Final Step

Color your cardinal! I used bright red for the body and the berries, black for a mask around the eye, light brown for the eye, white for the eye glare and snow, yellow-orange for the feet and beak, and dark brown for the branch.

How to Draw an Owl

Step 1

Draw two large circles next to each other for the yes.

Step 2

Draw smaller, black circles in the middle of each eye for the pupils. On the top left and bottom right of each eye, draw ovals to represent glare.

Step 3

Between the eyes, draw a small, curved upside-down triangle for the beak. Add 2 short lines inside the beak for a mouth.

Step 4

Starting at the top left and right side of the beak, draw diagonal lines upward using short strokes for the owl’s feathery brow. This will look similar to a large V.

Step 5

To make the owl’s horns, draw upside-down V’s on each end above the eyes. Connect the V’s with a slightly curved horizontal line.

Step 6

Starting at the outside corners of each horn, draw downward making a semi-circle shape for the head. Use short zig-zaggy strokes to represent feathers.

Step 7

Under the head, draw long vertical lines on each side for the owl’s folded wings. Make the lines equal length.

Step 8

Below the head, draw two curved, vertical lines using zig-zaggy strokes for the chest. Connect the two sides of the body by drawing a long, curved, horizontal line at the bottom.

Step 9

Create two feet under the body by drawing three short, curved lines on each side for the owl’s toes. Draw a short, horizontal line on either side of the owl’s toes for the top part of a branch. Draw a longer horizontal line below the toes for the bottom part of the branch.

Final Step

Color your owl! I used medium brown for the head and body, dark brown for the head pattern, wings, and feet, yellow-orange for the sclera and beak, yellow for the irises, white for the eye glare, beige for the belly, and a muddy brown for the branch the owl is sitting on.

How to Draw a Pigeon

Step 1

Draw a small, black circle for the eye. Inside the eye, draw two white circles to represent glare.

Step 2

Draw a curved, sideways triangle for the beak on the lower, right side of the eye. Draw a curved line on top, left of the beak for the cere.

Step 3

Draw a curved upside-down U to form the head. Add a short line under the beak for the neck.

Step 4

Draw a long line beginning at the back of the head and curve toward the lower left side for the top of the wing. Continue to the right slightly to begin the wing’s shape.

Step 5

Continue with a series of curved lines back up toward the head for the lower part of the wing. Draw a curved line from the bottom, left side of the wing to connect with the neck to complete the body.

Step 6

On the lower, left side, draw an elongated U-shape for the tail. Add two small, horizontal lines for detail.

Step 7

Under the body, draw two vertical lines for legs. Add short, horizontal lines to the left of each leg for back toes. Add three short lines to the right for the front toes.

Final Step

Color your pigeon! I used light grey for the body and wing, dark grey for wing patterns, medium grey for the head and tail, green and purple for the neck stripe, white for the eye glare, and yellow and pink for the beak.

Here’s a little compilation video showing my speedpaints of these four birds. I call the song Flight Feathers.

Mikayla Finley

Hi I’m Mikayla! I’m primarily a digital artist, but I love all types of art projects. I promise to keep my project posts varied and interesting in our virtual art world. I hope you enjoy trying all of them.

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