Fakemon Explained

Hello! Perhaps some of you have seen a term going around the internet known as “Fakemon”, and have wondered what it is. Well, I am here to explain!

In simple terms, a Fakemon is a fake Pokemon. Specifically, it is a Pokemon that isn’t official and was fan-made. A Fakemon can be anything from a speculated evolution or speculated pre-evolution, a convergent line, a Pokémon prediction for an announced game, a fully original fan-made Pokémon, a reinterpretation of an existing Pokemon such as a type swap, a “what if” Pokémon such as a evolution or pre-evolution that doesn’t actually exist, a fusion, or even something such as a fan-made regional variant or paradox Pokemon.

If you are wondering how you might go about making a Fakemon, I can help.

First of all, you of course have to brainstorm an idea. Will it be a fully original Fakemon? A speculated evolution or pre-evolution? A variant of an existing Pokemon? A “what if” Fakemon? What will it be based on? What typing will it have? If you can’t think of anything, you could research things to get ideas.

Once you have a rough idea of inspiration and typing, you can get started on figuring out a design for your Fakemon. You first need to get some reference images to start with. If your Fakemon is inspired by something such as music, you could play the sort of music it is inspired by, as you start to draw your Fakemon.

Make some sketches to try to work out a rough idea of your Fakemon. Once you find aspects that you’re happy with, incorporate them into the final design of your Fakemon. Be careful to not go too overboard with a super complicated design, unless that’s your art style of course. You should try to have it look like a feasible Pokemon.

If you’re basing your Fakemon off of something, make it a sort of visual metaphor, and not 100% literal. If you do a concept that you might be afraid that has been done before, research and see what others have done, to figure out a way or ways to make yours stand out. Don’t copy someone else’s to a T. If the concept is similar, figure out some way to make your concept special. If you’re struggling, as with anything else, it is perfectly okay to ask for help or advice.

Here’s a Fakemon I designed. It is called Racbloom. It’s name comes from raccoon and bloom. It is inspired by flower bushes and raccoons.
Here’s some info about Racbloom: Racbloom is a Grass and Fairy dual type. It has the signature move Bloom Blast. With Bloom Blast, the user causes many flowers and plants to appear, and they are launched in an aura-like attack towards the target. The move is a grass type move.

I designed a second Fakemon. I call it Baboom, and the name comes from baboon and kaboom. It is inspired by baboons, forest fires, and explosives. Specifically the round explosives with a fuse that are often seen in cartoons. In regards to Baboom’s design, I admit the face does have some mandrill inspiration, especially the nose area. Here’s some info about Baboom: Baboom is a Grass and Fire dual type. It has the signature move Kaboom. The user increases the heat within it’s own body, to where it’s own body catches alight and explodes. It is a fire type move, has a 50% chance to give the affected Pokemon burn damage, Unlike Explosion and Self-Destruct, this move doesn’t feint the user. However, it can only be used once per battle, so use it wisely.

Mikayla Finley

Hi I’m Mikayla! I’m primarily a digital artist, but I love all types of art projects. I promise to keep my project posts varied and interesting in our virtual art world. I hope you enjoy trying all of them.

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