10 Reasons Artists Work Remotely

I have been thinking a lot about the many benefits that artists enjoy when working at home. There was certainly a time when it seemed odd for artists to make a living and never actually drive into a gallery or art studio of an employer unless of course, they were self-employed. That’s no longer the case. 

You can not only work for yourself, but you can freelance, do contract work, or work directly for an employer from your home. 

It’s really becoming more and more common now in multiple industries, not just art. Here’s a neat statistic I recently read: Over 3.7 million employees in the United States work from home at least half the time (Fundera 2017). Employers are beginning to adopt flexible work policies in order to increase worker satisfaction, decrease turnover, acquire young talent, and save money by eliminating studio and office space. According to Forbes (December 21,2018), “Remote work is no longer a privilege. It has become the standard operative mode for at least 50% of the U.S. population.” It’s not only great for employers, but for employees as well. I have met artists who absolutely love working from home, and don’t ever want to go back to working in a studio or office environment. Here are just 10 of the reasons why.

10 reasons artists prefer to work remotely:

Better Focus

Remote workers are more productive simply because they have fewer workplace distractions. There are often constant interruptions that turn into long conversations, and very inefficient meetings that go on and on. I would prefer to know exactly what I need to accomplish for the day, and get right to it without interruptions, office politics, or water-cooler small talk. If you have a more flexible schedule, you may enjoy higher levels of focus and productivity during early-morning or late-evening off-hours thanks to minimal phone call and e-mail interruptions.

Less stress

There’s a lot less rushing around in the mornings to get everything done and get to the studio or office by a certain time. Life can move at a slower pace and you can feel more in control. I can also easily live without the studio/office politics and gossip that can be stressful, and nothing more than a waste of time. This part is especially important for me because I have Autism, and I function best in a stress-free environment. This would also be important for anyone who has a chronic medical condition or disability that makes it difficult to go into an office or studio everyday. There are so many great artists who may be in a wheelchair, deaf, experience occasional seizures, or have other types of handicaps, but they still want to work and have a successful career. Working remotely makes a huge difference in being able to do that. I believe it can help a disabled person achieve their dream of a great income and fulfilling career as an artist.

No commute

You won’t miss sitting in traffic for 1 1/2 to 2 hours commuting each way into a major metropolitan city, which is like losing 3 to 4 hours of your day while sitting in the car. Compare that to the 30-second commute from your bedroom to your home art studio/office and you will feel like you won the lottery when starting to work from home. I enjoy living in a medium-sized town not far from the lake and the mountains. It’s a nice area, but the pay is pretty average. In order to make an above-average income as an artist, it can sometimes be necessary to work in a bigger city like Atlanta. I’m sure you’ve heard about Atlanta traffic! I enjoy my field of work, but I absolutely hate traffic. Working remotely for a company located in the city without having to drive there everyday can really benefit your life and your family’s life. You’ll enjoy life more, be able to save more money, and probably live longer due to less stress. It’s like getting part of your life back! You’ll also be minimizing your carbon footprint by not using a car, train, or bus to get to work.

Dictate your own schedule

Even working from home, you may need to work regular 9-5 business hours if your job requires communication with clients and co-workers during certain hours of the day. However, that is not always the case. During the summer months when school is out, you could adjust your hours. You may be able to negotiate a flexible schedule as long as you are consistent and everyone knows when you are available. You may have other more flexible schedule options. It just depends on your employer and their particular requirements. Regardless of your regular schedule, working remotely allows you to always have access to your workspace software as there may be times you need early morning or late evening hours to catch up on things.

Lower expenses for you

Working at home seriously allows you to keep work-related expenses down. Here are a few examples of savings to enjoy. Having no commute means you fill up that gas tank much less often. Unless you have a lot of weekend driving, you may be able to sometimes drive for two weeks on one tank of gas. There is much less wear and tear on your vehicle which allows it to last longer. When you continue to drive a car for years after it’s paid off, you save big bucks because you can go for years without a car payment. Eating lunch at home is much cheaper than eating out everyday. You can always fix yourself a sandwich or heat up leftovers. Your professional attire and dry-cleaning expenses also decrease tremendously.

Live and work anywhere

Working remotely also allows you to live and work anywhere with a good internet connection. You can live in a lower cost-of-living area and avoid the higher housing costs and pollution within major cities. You can enjoy a peaceful, year-round vacation lifestyle in the mountains or the beach. Maybe you need to live near family or aging parents in a rural area. Unless you have a specialized workstation or direct router connection for your design software, you can even work at the local coffee shop. I have a friend who is still working, but her husband is retired. They travel around the U.S. in an RV and she works from her laptop connected via hotspot. Working remotely, you’re not limited.

It’s easier to be a working parent

This advice is from my Mom who has been working remotely for 15 years. She’s in the medical field, but on the business side of things. The truth is that in the past corporate America has not allowed the kind of schedule you need to live a life and also be a parent. However, things have been changing for the last decade or so. Here’s the secret no one tells you about working remotely. There is no more Mom Guilt! Working around school holidays, delayed openings, early releases, half days, snow days, sick days, online school, is all so much easier when you work from home. The horrible guilt that you experience when having to leave a sick child with a relative in order to be in the office does not exist anymore. If your child needs you, you’re there. You also have the added non-commute time back to spend with your family before and after school. If you need to work for financial reasons, but still want to be available for your kids and grandkids as much as possible, then remote work is the best way to go. This particular benefit of working remotely can truly change your life the most. 

No dress code

You can work in your pajamas, or tee-shirt and sweatpants. Just remember to put on a nice blouse and some makeup, or a shirt and tie on those virtual meeting days, and of course a professional suit for in-person client meetings and gallery shows.

Lower expenses for your company

By working remotely, your company doesn’t have to provide a physical space for you to work. This saves them money. If many of your co-workers or even entire departments are working remotely, the savings are huge. They also save on electricity, water, art supplies, office supplies, break room and bathroom supplies. It’s a win-win.

Healthier lifestyle

When working remotely, it’s easier to eat healthy snacks from your own kitchen instead of chips, candy, and soft drinks from a break room vending machine when you need that afternoon pick-me-up. You’ll definitely be able to stop that afternoon soft drink addiction once you’re working remotely 100%. It’s also easier to take short 10-15 minute breaks to stretch, walk, exercise, or meditate. 

Ready to join the remote ranks? It’s the way of the future! One important thing to remember is that digital skills are prudent regardless of your industry. Even with IT help-desk support, you’re sometimes on your own to fix things. You’ll need self-motivation, self-discipline, and focus to successfully work remotely. I understand it’s not for everyone. If you’re the type of employee who needs a supervisor to coach you and help manage your workday in order to get things done, then remote work is not for you. Another point to mention is the non-social aspect of working remotely. If you are the type person who truly needs face-to-face time (not iPhone face time) with your co-workers, then remote work may not be for you. Most communication is via e-mail, Skype, or instant messaging when working remotely. However, you can always meet up with coworkers after work for some social time when needed. Maybe you’ll prefer two or three days remotely, and two or three in the office. There are many alternatives that you can discuss with your employer to find a schedule that works best for everyone.

Mikayla Finley

Hi I’m Mikayla! I’m primarily a digital artist, but I love all types of art projects. I promise to keep my project posts varied and interesting in our virtual art world. I hope you enjoy trying all of them.

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